Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Future of Science and Discovery

The greatest challenge to serious science and exploration in the 21st Century is not political unrest in some far-flung, exotic land or the ravages of Nature. It is, pure and simple, "funding."

Innovative and proven strategies for "getting funded" is the focus of this book, written by two global fundraisers, William F. Vartorella, Ph.D. and Donald S. Keel. They present a unique perspective and decades of experience raising some U.S. $500 million worldwide. Their message is how and why entrepreneurship and niche marketing are crucial to successful fundraising--particularly in times of economic downturns.

Their scientific fundraising projects have ranged from the preservation of Egyptian mummies, to healthcare in Eastern Europe, access to historic shipwrecks, the care of Natural Science collections, at-risk offshore and estuary fisheries in developing nations, rainforest biota, GIS applications to historic corridors, etc.

The goal of this work FUNDING EXPLORATION is to get the big bucks for research and exploration. These experts at raising money tell all they know in this book about grant writing! Click HERE to read sample chapters from this work!

Funding Exploration

MPM 9:
Funding Exploration

by Dr. William F. Vartorella, Donald S. Keel
ISBN 0-9719496-1-1, $44.95 Cloth Bound
ISBN 0-9719496-2-X, $36.00 Paperback


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